Two FDT teams find success at the World Scholar\’s Cup in Australia
The 3rd Global Round of the World Scholar\’s Cup has just finished up in Melbourne, Australia and what a competition it was! FDT sent two junior teams to the competition and, with the assistance of Tonya Cena and Jacqueline Belzberg, they battled it out against over 1,000 of the world\’s top young minds across four exciting competitive events.
We are happy to announce that both teams: Vanessa Zhang, Aurora Zhang, and Katherine Feng, as well as Fiona Li, Vicky Zhang, and Jolin Yu, have qualified to the Tournament of Champions at Yale University along with the two other FDT teams who qualified after the global round in Barcelona.
All of our students have worked very hard to get this far and we hope they give their brains a break before returning to school, and FDT, in just a couple of weeks!