This month, FDT competed in the Prague Debate Spring Worlds Debating Championships. The tournament, which is usually held in the beautiful city of Prague, was held online this year but was nonetheless incredibly competitive.
We want to congratulate Angela Lu, Barry Gu, Summit Kawakami, and Jerry Zhang for not only breaking 6th overall to Octofinals, but also advancing through the elimination rounds all the way to the Finals, where they won and were declared the Champion Team! This feat is even more impressive considering that Barry and Summit are only in Grade 9. The good news does not stop there. We would like to recognize Team Denmark, who advanced to the Finals against FDT, and were coached by FDT instructors Anna Saint and Arsalan Ghaemi.
Lastly, a huge congrats to Angela Lu for placing 9th as a speaker and to Barry Gu for placing 10th.
We are so proud of the successes of our incredible debaters!